
Sunday, 13 November 2011

High statue of Buddha sits atop 30 m high mountain 250 m above the Great Sea of Vung Tau attractions worship.

Tượng Phật khổng lồ trên ngọn núi cao 250 m

High statue of Buddha sits atop 30 m high mountain 250 m above the Great Sea of Vung Tau attractions worship.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Kite flute - folk culture unique

When the temporary farm work was done, when the flame long long monsoon blowing across southern slopes of dikes, mon men in the village, we saw young people pulling together to go green kite.

Not so simple as the kite capital of the South is just a fun children's entertainment, not gaudy, eye-catching and varied as kite Hue - Royal sexism, kites of Northern flute combination is between sophisticated simplicity of shape and flute kites soaring in the air vi.

Ha Long Bay to become the world's natural wonders of the new

 A waterlogged 19h07 (GMT) on 11/11, or about 2 am 12/11 now Vietnam, on the site of the New7Wonders organization has published a list of seven wonders of the natural world, including Ha Long Bay .
Along with Halong Bay has the Amazon in South America, Iguazu waterfalls in Argentina and Brazil; Korea's Jeju Island; Underground River National Park Puerto Princesa in the Philippines; the island of Komodo, Indonesia and South Africa's Table Mountain.

Talking to VnExpress, Nguyen Van Tinh, Director of International Cooperation, Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism, said that Halong Bay was won by the efforts of the Government and people throughout time. Vietnam has raised the political system, wholeheartedly for the poll.

The custom of bathing the upland in Vietnam

To the northwest, the river Nam Nhe, we can get out of Thailand through features such as still water, vegetation water, spreading inter-religious dances and the endless open water peaceful privacy, where the girls Thai people get into the natural water flow cooling.